As modern Muslim women in Pakistan, we often strive to balance our roles in society with our spiritual growth. Just as we choose modest yet stylish attire, like a modern instant hijab or a graceful chiffon shawl, we must also adorn ourselves with the virtues of humility and kindness.
The Qur’an Instructs Us to Embrace Humility
“And do not turn your cheek [in contempt] toward people and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful.” (Qur’an, 31:18)
Allah is aware that ego poses a significant challenge for us, which is why the Qur’an speaks extensively about it. We are instructed to practice humility because communities cannot flourish without forgiveness, compassion, and selflessness. Those who are "self-deluded and boastful" are acting against Allah's guidance.
Overcoming Ego through the Power of Prayer
“And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive to Allah.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:45)
Prayer serves as a profound act of submission to Allah. In our prayers, we bow and prostrate, humbling ourselves before our Creator—a constant reminder of our role as His servants. Engaging in regular prayer can be a potent way to diminish the ego and nurture humility. If you find yourself grappling with ego, making prayer a consistent part of your day may be the solution.
Acknowledging That All Blessings Come from Allah
“…and whatever you have of favor – it is from Allah.” (An-Nahl: 53)
Ego can make us think that we solely deserve what we have, and even more than that. But in truth, everything we own is a blessing from Allah. Through His mercy and generosity, we receive these favors, even though we may not be deserving. If you find your ego swelling, recall the times when you had less, and understand that material possessions are fleeting. Our true aim should be to accumulate rewards for the Hereafter by embracing humility and showing kindness.
True Leadership is Rooted in Humility, Not Arrogance
Those who represent genuine leadership serve others. They do not let their ego dictate their actions or interactions, and they place the needs of the community above their own. The humility of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is a profound example for us all.
Despite being the most esteemed of all people, the Prophet was the epitome of humility. He was a listener, a mediator, and someone who made sacrifices for others. He took care of his family with devotion, assisting with household tasks and spending quality time with his children. The Prophet forgave those who wronged him and was patient in the face of adversity.
Strong leaders and individuals emulate this humility. When ego clouds our vision, we focus only on ourselves. Humility allows us to see beyond our own needs and attend to the well-being of others.
The Qur'an provides abundant guidance on the significance of humility in our lives. It's essential for each of us to pause and contemplate our relationship with our ego. In essence, ego divides us. It blinds us, turning our focus inward on our own desires and wants. Humility, conversely, brings us together—when we understand that we are part of a larger community and not the center of it, we strive to support and uplift others, resulting in more joyful and fulfilling lives.
As modern hijabis navigating the complexities of today's world in Pakistan, embracing humility can strengthen not only our faith but also our relationships with those around us. Just as we select attire that reflects our values—perhaps opting for a comfortable, ready-made hijab from an online store to simplify our busy lives—we can choose to adorn ourselves with humility and kindness.